31 Mei 2010:Serangan keatas Konvoi ViVa Palestin@Kemanusiaan Gaza untuk menghantat bantuan ke GAZA telah dicabuli oleh Israel melalui serangan ketenteraan hinga menyebabkan 20 nyawa melayang dan berpuluh2 lagi cedera,lantaran itu adalah menjadi kewajiban bagi umat islam semua untuk sama-sama kita boikot ekonomi Israel & sekutu2 baratnya agar ekonomi mereka terjejas..ingatlah sesungguhnya nilai 1 sen yang kita membeli barangannya,berpuluh2 nyawa melayang akibat ke alpaan kita...ayuhlah sama-sama kita menyahut cabaran ini.
31 Mei, 2010
31 Mei 2010 ;Serangan yg dilancarkan Israel terhadap gerombolan kapal yang membawa misi kemanusiaan ke GAZA pada 4.30 pg waktu tempatan 10.30 pg waktu malaysia menunjukkan keangkuhan Yahudi.Semua pihak mengikuti perkembangan semasa tentang serangan tersebut,Malaysia,Turki,Eropah,Negara Arab dan seluruh dunia mengutuk dan menyelar Israel,tp apakah cukup hanya menyelar?sedangkan perkara ini telah berlalu berlama-lamanya bermula awal 1940-an lagi ,selepas penghijrahan pertama Yahudi ke Tanah Haram ke-3 Umat Islam (Palestin)...ternyata yahudi angkuh?tp apakah wajar kita mengutuk?mengembeleng tenaga sahaja buat demonstrasi menentang Yahudi?bagaimana pula negara arab?sedangkan mereka sendir bermusuhan sesama sendiri?ayuhla kita berfikir .dimana pemimpin2 islam dunia?wajarkah hanya mengadakan mesyuarat tergempar semata-mata,sedangkan dalam kehidupan seharian kita ,kita memberi saham dari 10 sen -hingga berjuta-juta menabung untuk kafir&yahudi,rokok,barangan harian,pusat beli belah tumbuh cam cendawan(tesco & sebagainya).Mengapa kita tidak mengambil sikap untuk merudumkan ekonomi mereka dgn tidak membeli di Pasaraya tersebut,mengapa tidak adakah pilihan lain seperti Mydin dan sebagainya..........ayuhlah kita boikot ekonomi yahudi..BAYANGKAN SETIAP SEN YANG KITA BELANJAKAN DI BIAYAI UNTUK MEMBUNUH MASYARAKAT ISLAM YAHUDI????tidakkah kita semua terpanggil akan semua ini?ayuhla ...muslimin muslimat sebelum terlambat,marilah sama-sama kita perbaiki diri..ayuhla kita berdoa untuk masyarakat Islam di Palestin,di seluruh Dunia,bermunajat memperhambakan diri kepada Allah untuk elak dari kesengsaraan ini...BERSAMALAH KITA BACA DOA QUNUT NAZILAH..KALAU BOLEH TIAP2 HARI...........
30 Mei, 2010
Sungguh menjengkelkan dan sungguh tragis,apabila konvoi yang di anggotai seramai 300 orang seluruh negara termasuk Malaysia di serang.Atas pri kemanusiaan mereka ini ingin membantu GAZA@sekelompok rakyat Gaza yang berkurun lamanya ditahan disebalik penjara Israel,namun dipertengahan jalan mereka syahid dan meninggalkan kita,mereka berjuang semata-mata ingin menolong mereka yang kelaparan dek sekatan ekonomi oleh golongan kuffar.Perkara sebegini sememangnya telah dijangkakan dari awal lagi,memandangkan zionis israel(kuffar)tidak menghiraukan sesiapa kerana telah jelas di dalam Al-quran mereka ni musuh islam yang nyata.Tiada senjata@peluru yang mampu dilontarkan ke Israel olehku melainkan iringan bacaan Al-Fatihah & qunut Nazilah untuk warga Islam yg telah syahid....berikut adalah sisipan WWW.BERNAMA.COM
ERUSALEM, May 31 (Bernama) -- Israeli forces on Monday attacked an international flotilla carrying aid to besieged Gaza, killing up to 16 and wounding more than 30 others, an Israeli television reported.
The clash happened after Isreali soldiers tried to stop the flotilla from reaching Gaza. Israel's private Channel 10 television, cited by China's Xinhua news agency, said Israeli forces opened fire after being attacked by a number of passengers.
The Isreali Army Radio also put the number of deaths toll at up to 16, saying that more than 30 others were injured.
The flotilla consisting of six ships were carrying about 10,000 tonnes of aid and activists who were making an attempt to break the blockade on Gaza.
Israeli commandos dropped from a helicopter onto the deck of a Turkish ship at about 4:30 a.m. and immediately opened fire on unarmed civilians, said a twitter of the human rights group Free Gaza Movement.
Israel Defence Forces (IDF) spokesman's office cannot confirm any of the report at the moment.
Sources told Xinhua that seven of the injuries were admitted to Israel's Rambam Medical Centre in Haifa. The hospital's spokesman David Ratner said that a 20-year-old, moderately hurt man was delivered by a chopper from the sea, but denied that he was from the aid ship.
Live image shows that Israeli soldiers from the helicopter and a number of speedboats boarded one of the ships at night. Activists wearing life vests were treating what appeared to be injuries for unknown reasons.
The English channel of Qatar's Al Jazeera television said the clash happened in international waters off the Gaza coast after activists ignored Isreali order to turn back.
The flotilla had set sail from a port in Cyprus on Sunday and was expected to reach Gaza by Monday morning, Al-Jazeera reported.
The flotilla, originally made up of nine ships from Turkey, Britain, Ireland, Greece, Kuwait and Algeria, were carrying cement, water purification systems and wheelchairs. One of the ships had not arrived and two others had been damaged.
ERUSALEM, May 31 (Bernama) -- Israeli forces on Monday attacked an international flotilla carrying aid to besieged Gaza, killing up to 16 and wounding more than 30 others, an Israeli television reported.
The clash happened after Isreali soldiers tried to stop the flotilla from reaching Gaza. Israel's private Channel 10 television, cited by China's Xinhua news agency, said Israeli forces opened fire after being attacked by a number of passengers.
The Isreali Army Radio also put the number of deaths toll at up to 16, saying that more than 30 others were injured.
The flotilla consisting of six ships were carrying about 10,000 tonnes of aid and activists who were making an attempt to break the blockade on Gaza.
Israeli commandos dropped from a helicopter onto the deck of a Turkish ship at about 4:30 a.m. and immediately opened fire on unarmed civilians, said a twitter of the human rights group Free Gaza Movement.
Israel Defence Forces (IDF) spokesman's office cannot confirm any of the report at the moment.
Sources told Xinhua that seven of the injuries were admitted to Israel's Rambam Medical Centre in Haifa. The hospital's spokesman David Ratner said that a 20-year-old, moderately hurt man was delivered by a chopper from the sea, but denied that he was from the aid ship.
Live image shows that Israeli soldiers from the helicopter and a number of speedboats boarded one of the ships at night. Activists wearing life vests were treating what appeared to be injuries for unknown reasons.
The English channel of Qatar's Al Jazeera television said the clash happened in international waters off the Gaza coast after activists ignored Isreali order to turn back.
The flotilla had set sail from a port in Cyprus on Sunday and was expected to reach Gaza by Monday morning, Al-Jazeera reported.
The flotilla, originally made up of nine ships from Turkey, Britain, Ireland, Greece, Kuwait and Algeria, were carrying cement, water purification systems and wheelchairs. One of the ships had not arrived and two others had been damaged.
26 Mei, 2010
24 Mei, 2010
Keto Samad KenoTarik
Kisah abe samad naik kereta waja flat JPJ 2008, dia bayar bule2 tp kena tarik jugak...semoga terhibur...hehehe
17 Mei, 2010
arnab yang siap disembelih dan dilapah untuk dibuat satay
Harini tamatlah riwayat mu....
11 Mei, 2010
Jumaat 8 mei 2010 ; aku sempat berkunjung kerumah tok sedara aku (pok od @ lebih dikenali ngn nama glamour sebagai pok od jawa)...dgr khabar doktor sahkan dia sakit,hinggakan kencing pun bertadah,kaki sembab dan hanya boleh duduk je..alhamdulillah sewaktu kunjungan aku kerumahnya memberi seribu makna baginya kerana bila di tanya secara berseloroh " tok od dah makan nasi ke?dia menjawap aku tok selero lah,tp klu puak2 mung takdop baru selera" hahaha itulah gurauan yg sering di lemparkan olehnya pada aku secara berseloroh.Waktu tu sempatla juga makan nasi berulam kan timun batan, terung bulat & qulai kaki ayam...oh sungguh lazat,dah lama tak menjamu selera dirumahnya,tp bagi aku apa2 pun aku makan tak kisah la yg penting benda tu halal dan boleh di makan,.... mudah2an selepas ini tok od aku cepat sembuh...
Catatan (Atom)
Sudah lama tak ke udara melalui laman blog ini...alhamdulillah hari ini dapat on...Insya'Allah saya akan updated sedikit masa nanti
Tuan Guru Mohd Aziz Bin Che Man (bekas Mudir Kuliah Pondok P.Tumboh menyampaikan ceramah cara2 untuk melakukan sembelih Peserta kusyuk m...
30 mac 2010 Kami buat kesyukuran untuk nenda,toknyeng...nyeng& nenyengg kebetulan sari sebelum tu,tuhan bagi rezki lebih sikit...antara ...